Sunday Service

{ 10:00AM }

If you want to check us out, we suggest you start at our 10:00am Sunday service. That would be the best place to get a good “feel” for who we are. And, don’t worry, there’s no participation required. Our people will probably say "Hi", but that’s all the “pressure” you’ll get. 

FYI - childcare & instruction are provided during the Sunday morning serivce for your children, ages 0 to 6th Grade.


{ 10:00AM — ages 0-3 }

Our dedicated volunteers run an excellent nursery program! They provides a safe and fun environment your children will have a blast in! Which of course, leaves you free to enjoy the church service! 

Or, drop your kids off and duck out for coffee someplace - who will know? :-) Ok... yeah, someone will probably notice - you're right...

Kids club  

{ 10:00AM — ages 4 through 5th grade }

Every Sunday morning we have a small army of volunteers step into our kids  environment excited to interact with your children. In this safe and fun environment your children will be encouraged to grow in character and community (learning to "play well" / do life with others) through the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Kids Club runs during Sunday morning church, which is from 10-11am. Kids can be brought to the Kids Club room as early as 9:50 and our volunteers will be ready for them. The program itself begins right at 10 (same as the adults) and runs until 11:10. The adults are out at 11, so this gives you a 10 minute window to talk & interact with other adults before you need to go down to the Kids Club to pick up your kids. "AWESOME!" Right? This is just one way we want to serve you - by giving you some time with other adults, while at the same time providing your children an AWESOME Sunday morning of learning and fun.


{ Sunday Mornings after church }

We believe life is best done TOGETHER, in small groups where people can truly get to know and care for each other. Our way of facilitating that is GAP-D!

What is GAP-D?

GAP-D is a series of small groups that meet 20 minutes after the service most Sunday's. The groups meet downstairs in various classrooms and last for just 20 minutes, making them very doable for everyone! The content for group discussion is the morning service message where we purpose to answer 9 specific questions:

God {about Him}

1. What does this say about God? (character, power, etc.) 

2. What primary commands from God? (if any)

3. What primary principles from God? (if any)

Application {about me}

4. What areas of my life does this connect to? 

5. What do I need to do • add • change • keep doing?

6. How have I applied this in the past, and how have I seen God use that/work through that? 

People {about prayer}

7. Was there anything else you got out of the service that is outside of these exact questions? 

8. Given 1-5, what do I need prayer for?

9. Given 1-5, what do I need to pray for others?

The "D" in GAP-D is for discipleship. We believe growth happens as we "iron sharpens iron" help each other to think through, apply, and then prayer God's Word into each other.

At Imperfect Church - we do life TOGETHER around God's Word!

youth Group  

Currently Tuesday EVENINGS

{ 7:00-8:00PM — 6TH-12TH GRADE }

We Are Becoming Adults, But Still Want FUN!

We do a variety of fun activities together including some pretty MAJOR (week long!) trips together.  We've also done smaller 3 day camping trips, laser tag, SuperBowl parties and the like - as well as various service projects like raking leaves in the community, or serving together at a week long summer camp for those with special needs.

As "Adults in the making" we are emerging from the cocoon of our parent’s home & their beliefs, so naturally, we have questions and concerns. “Believe this because I said so!” just doesn’t work anymore. As we navigate this emergence… what an amazing difference it makes to grapple with / investigate / search out these questions & concerns ourselves with searching peers and caring leaders. 

THAT is Youth Group!

Interested in checking us out - then we'd encourage you to come join us this Tuesday at 7:00pm. No pressure. No embarassing you. This is a safe place for you to come and have some fun, while at the same time learning more about what God has to say about your life, your parents, your school, your... well, you get the idea! Hope to see you soon!


{ ages 13 to 130 }

Looking for opportunities to be more aggressive in spiritual growth? Please get in touch via phone or email.


— are you dedicated to growth? 

Are you willing to invest serious time for serious results? We have people willing to invest 2-3 hours per week in one-on-one Bible study if you’re willing to invest time preparing (homework!) and putting principles into practice. Expect to grow!


— are you facing difficulty? at bottom? hurting?

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the all-wise God provide advice? Would you like someone to spend 2-3 hours per week with you in the Bible to find out what God has to say? That’s crisis discipleship - a caring person willing to listen *to* you, and then listen *with* you to God’s wisdom. Yes, there’s homework - that’s where God’s principles get put into action. If you’re not sure if we can help, or if you’re not sure if it fits under the heading “Crisis Discipleship” don’t hesitate to contact us.


—would you like to study the Bible in a relaxed group setting?

These are usually held at homes during various times throughout the year. There are often a group of ladies meeting and sometimes a group of men (men seem to prefer a one on one study better!)

Service to others

We believe in serving each other! At Imperfect Church, we KNOW that all of us need help! 

Just like rain, God constantly pours into us - and expects us to pour out onto others! What He’s invested in me, He expects me to invest in others. God even says (in Eph.4) that service to others is one of the major things He uses to grow us!

We have a variety of different “service to others” opportunities throughout the year as well as many ministry opportunities. Please don't hesitate to reach out.